She has a storage facility on the East Side of Brockton (my childhood home) that she fills with donations. When it gets about full she has an 18 wheeler come and take it away. Then the cargo is sent via container on a ship to Lithuania to go to poor villages.
Sister will take almost anything:
Clothes, furniture, books (no books against Catholic teaching), kitchen items, art, toys, musical instruments (last month they loaded a player piano), medical equipment...
Used is absolutely fine, but please don't give items severely damaged. It either causes Sister dispose of it here (at a cost sometimes) or waste cargo space and force the recipients to find a way to dispose of it.
Sister CAN NOT take computers or electronics because they are not compatible in Lithuania.
Because I am enthralled by Sister Helen's work I have devoted myself lately to helping her get donations, sort them and load the trucks.
If you'd like to donate you can either get stuff to me and I can bring it to her or, for larger items, contact me and I'll help make arrangements between you and Sister.