Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sharing My Castle in the Clouds

My cousin Nancy is starting a business that she calls "a new triple-bottom-line enterprise based on Nancy's innovative and comprehensive values-driven business concept." Whatever that means.

What I gather from her blog (which I encourage everyone to visit and bookmark) she is focusing on....
... well, I don't know how to describe the mission she is on.
Check it out for yourself! Make sure to sign up for the e-newsletter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Maura,

Thanks for sharing the news of my new business... Your post made me laugh because it points out that, while my concept is a worthwhile one, I've got to bring it all together into a more understandable package! I'm working on just that...

I get so excited and impatient with getting my idea off the ground that I spend far too much time getting ahead of myself. It's all good though as it will be mission-driven and, believe it or not, ultimately is based on strong business principles. Come September, I intend to bring it all together (fingers crossed).

Briefly (hahaha, I always laugh when I use that word), a triple-bottom-line business is one that serves a social mission and an environmental mission in a financially-self-sustaining business model. The key is that time isn't wasted seeking grants, which I liken to singing to the choir, their song in their key (jumping through hoops and fighting other well-intentioned organization for limited funds). Instead, the business is funded through its own activities, generally multiple streams of income, that further serve and support the mission. Does that make sense?

It's a pretty comprehensive and innovative concept (breaking the rules of entrepreneurship that say to start simple), and consequently a lot to swallow at once. Remember the old riddle, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!" For sure, my concept is best taken in small bites! Enjoy...

Also, fyi, in addition to signing up for my enewsletter, folks can visit the newsletter archives from my weblog...

Thanks again Maura and looking forward to seeing you in September! Cousin Nancy