Saturday, December 12, 2009

New Hampshire Kitsch and Scenery (maybe a few from Vermont and Maine... okay, and Canada...)

Construction traffic in Whitefield NH caused cars to sit with this vista...
there are worse things in life
What's left of an old mill in Littleton NH...
note the telephone to the left of the door

Bar Harbor Maine with Marilyn
I think the top one is Gorham Mountain

Tree split by lightning strike

House burned down by owner of the restaurant I used to work at

Scenes (all 4 above) from Lunenburg VT, saw mother and baby turkey's
but they scrammed before I got the camera out

Burlington Vermont, Church Street
(like a colder Faneuil Hall)
On ride from Saint Johnsbury VT to Lancaster... not sure what town...
there are actually a number of phone booths here
cell service is incredibly iffy

Oscar in Dalton NH
not far from our home
Danville Vermont... stopped for "Marty"

Canadian border crossing (including self portrait at gate)
Street scene in Montreal--
in way background is stage where Mes Aïeux was playing
my new favorite band (...Christmas gift hint...)

Cabin we almost rented in Jefferson
and view from porch
Mister Darcy enjoying sun in Kate's porch
Mount Orne Bridge in Lunenburg Vermont facing Lancaster NH
the bridge is the state line and is on my street
What Cannon Mountain's ski hills look like in summer
Echo Lake in Franconia Notch
View from my really high perch at Lost River Gorge

My new Pastor, Father Ray, going into a cave in the gorge

Some family in Littleton collects and displays gas pumps and paraphernalia

Frog at Kate's (saved from mower by Bridgette)

Edmund Muskie Memorial (Rumford native)
Rumford Maine on way to Bar Harbor
Penacook Falls to upper left

"Gringo's", Mexican place we ate in Bar Harbor

More Bar Harbor (above)
Plus hiking and a squirrel...
Bottom one is Marilyn picking blueberries with children

Traffic jam in Lancaster: cows being crossed on North Road by children
Town has no stop lights, this is longest I ever sat

First real foliage as seen out my living room window

Going up Mount Prospect in Weeks Park, Lancaster
Shot by Theodore Roosevelt, moose hangs in lodge at top

and view of Mount Washington

Israel River as seen from Main Street bridge (top)
and snowmobile bridge near my home (bottom)

View from pulling out of my driveway... don't know which mountain is seen,
but it's part of White Mountains
and the view as you descend to enter Lancaster from Whitefield
45th Parallel in Colebrook NH (way up by Canada)

Christmas in Lancaster: gingerbread house competition at library
My decorated mountain bike

1 comment:

Matt said...

I love these pics! I haven't seen a lot of them, actually! :)inglog